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community bank

Keep your members informed – how to write a successful newsletter

There are many ways to communicate with your customers but one way to keep them updated is by still sending them a newsletter once a month to remind them that you’re still there if they need you or your services.
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Keep your members informed – how to write a successful newsletter

How a mobile app keeps you connected with your customers at any time

When it comes to connecting with your audience, software can play an essential part. The creation of mobile apps has allowed a more attractive and often easier way to communicate with customers.
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How a mobile app keeps you connected with your customers at any time

Fintech Partnership Checklist

As a FinTech, we know what our customers ask for when choosing us as a partner. So, we’ve put together a checklist on what you should be asking any Fintech partner and also some other points to consider.
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Fintech Partnership Checklist

Why the consumer experience is more important than ever

Right now this experience is more important than ever. With most interactions taking place digitally, we only have one chance to get it right.
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Why the consumer experience is more important than ever

Credit unions are here and helping people through the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has put the whole world through a lot of stress and uncertainty. One of the biggest stresses that people have faced has been financial stress but credit unions have been here to help.
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Credit unions are here and helping people through the pandemic

Credit Account Information Sharing (CAIS): Why share data?

Data sharing has become a new norm in the financial services industry and for many providers it’s a way of being able to see a clearer picture of a consumer’s credit history. One of the main ways that organisations can view consumer credit data is through Credit Account Information Sharing (CAIS; pronounced k-e-y-s). 
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Credit Account Information Sharing (CAIS): Why share data?

Important things the pandemic has taught us about leadership

Many of us, if not most, have experienced uncertainty over the past few months in every aspect of our lives. Having good leadership is something that we can all say helps when we’re feeling anxious or aren’t quite sure of the right next steps.
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Important things the pandemic has taught us about leadership

Fintechs are helping responsible banks and lenders to adapt and grow

Fintech organisations solve many problems for many businesses across the world. Through the right use of technology, businesses are able to provide their customers with better and more targeted services thus, allowing them to adapt and grow.
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Fintechs are helping responsible banks and lenders to adapt and grow

Cybersecurity threats to look out for

When it comes to cybersecurity it’s vital that you plan for any eventuality. With 2020 almost over, businesses are already preparing for what cyber threats they’ll face in 2021.
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Cybersecurity threats to look out for